Best way to train yourself for acting live

Best way to train yourself for acting live

Today we’re looking at how to practice acting at home. Believe it or not there are plenty of things you can do to become a better actor from the comfort of your own home. There is a common misconception, when it comes to acting training that the only way to become a better actor is to either be in a formal class environment or to be on stage or on screen in a professional environment.

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Voice warm-ups

Best way to train yourself for acting live
Best way to train yourself for acting live

As an actor, you should warm up your voice first. So we want to make sure it’s as intuitive and expressive as possible. You definitely do need some sort of daily practice. There doesn’t have to be 20 minutes every day, it might be five minutes most days and then one or two days a week.

It’s 10 or 20 minutes a day for regular practice. It doesn’t have to be crazy it doesn’t have to be a huge part of your day. 5 to 30 minutes at the most is incredible. If you can get into that routine it’s going to help your voice and your acting so so much. I really recommend booking in with a professional voice coach. You might just do a couple of sessions. You might just say to them, look, I really want to focus on getting some exercises that i can do every single day.

As a result, I do think you want to work with a professional at some point in the journey. The other option is if you want to come and work with me and the team at Durga Films Production. Acting school, as well as weekly voice classes. We have some really exciting vocal warm-ups that you can participate in whenever you like. If you like, you can have one in the morning. So lots of helpful voice resources that article.hat.

working on your body

Next up is working on your body. Being a strong and dynamic actor is everything even if your ambitions are for the screen. It’s extremely helpful to be a grounded and relaxed actor. This allows you to be much more expressive. 

Still, TV and film acting are not the same. So what ends up happening is that if they’re not feeling that they’re not energetically there’s something not quite right on then they are taught like okay in TV acting you have to like everything has to be simple it has to be less no it doesn’t if you’re not full less is gonna read his death nobody’s gonna watch dead he

Gets me so excited just awesome and you see what he’s talking about there that acting has to be a head-to-toe experience it has to be completely alive and i love that and he’s talking about screen acting which we often think is so so small so even with screen acting working on your physical expression is really really important it might be yoga tai chi qigong feldenkrais the alexander technique any process any sense of movement that Just gets you in your body gets you comfortable whatever it is jump out of bed you know do something that gets you energized it gets you excited even if it might be as simple as just chucking on some music and having a bit of a dance it is so important in this modern world to get moving to get in your alignment to get comfortable and confident in this wonderful thing called your body action step i want you to start your day Tomorrow with some vocal.

Physical work

And some physical work i want you to set a timer for five minutes it has to be at least five minutes if it’s one second longer than that fine if you do a half an hour an hour awesome but five minutes at least getting yourself warmed up getting yourself centered and once you are nice and warmed up i want you to grab something you’re working on whether that’s a monologue or a poem and read something out loud it’s always Important once you’re warmed up to get onto text that is my homework for you and see how long you can keep that routine up i would suggest it should never stop a few years back i was incredibly lucky and i got to interview one of the most famous acting coaches in the world larry moss and he basically gave away the secrets to what actors should be doing to become better actors from home here’s what he said in my book i wrote About having minimal four monologues every three months you learn four more too contemporary to classical and you work on them every day say you work on depending on your time you know you work on one contemporary and one classical one’s a comedy one’s a drama so there you are he’s basically just encouraging actors to be working on great text Regularly monologues and scenes it works out to be one maybe every three to four weeks and think about it what is a play made up of or a tv show or a film made up of scene after scene after scene if you can do scenes and monologues there’s no other magic that is it that is being a great actor the problem is most actors outside of auditions and class environments are almost never working on great.

Taking Action

I want you to make the Commitment to work on one scene or one monologue in the next three to four weeks grab anything it really doesn’t matter what it is it’s about grabbing something working on it and getting in front of the camera and recording it you can get yourself a really simple self-tape set up just a basic iphone whatever you’ve got record it put it down and you will be so proud of yourself and if you can after that get in the routine of working on a scene on Monologue every single month this next one is huge when i was at drama school my voice teacher would call actors the bastions of language it was such an epic way of putting it think about it we have to perform everything from k tempest to shakespeare arthur miller to aphra ben how can we work on these masters unless we have an incredible grasp of language.


Reading Script

So what is the solution to read read read my quick tip i highly recommend putting plays at the top of your Priority list after those really just anything with great rich intense wonderful language so poetry is great novels novellas if you are like me and you struggle to get through a full novel but just make sure reading becomes a big part of what you’re doing as an actor now i know you’re busy watching the blog which is awesome but i’m going to give you some quick direction you are an actor after all you see that like button i want you to just gently gently smash It well done back to the blog i’m about to give you the best homework of your life you’re an actor your industry is film tv theater.

Watch and Learn

So watch it often get out there and watch the greatest films and tv shows of all time and get to the theater regularly and here’s the thing don’t just watch the popular stuff the stuff you already enjoy get out there and watch great art that really challenges You to become a better artist i know a lot of you watching have grand international ambitions maybe you’re based in france and you want to go and work in the us or you live in new zealand and you want to have an acting career in the uk but if you do want to work internationally it is.

Work around on Accent

So important to have your accent work rock solid it really does have to be perfect not possible if you do have those international goals i want you to think About the countries you want to work in it’s not about learning scottish and russian and all these crazy accents just for the sake of it think about the industries you really want to work in know what they are and you need to be working on them as regularly as you possibly can action step if one of your major goals is to work overseas as an actor and there’s a specific accent you need to Nail my recommendation is you do between half an hour and an hour every single day until you have that accent completely nailed.

Self Development

Next up i’m a big believer in the acting philosophy that working on yourself is working on your acting i want to share a short clip with one of my all-time favorite human beings mr anthony branham wong he’s an actor and an acting coach let’s check it out we’re not talking an arrogant part of you we’re talking a part that is quietly Confident a part that is also humble a part that also knows it’s there’s much to learn but when you’re listening to that part life is fun and acting is fun and so as actors if we could start from that places of before we go into the rehearsal we’re going to take 20 minutes and we’re going to meditate and we’re going to listen to that wise buddhist self if you want to call it that That loves us and loves everyone else and isn’t threatened by anyone else and isn’t threatened by any of our negative thoughts and is there to have a blast then let’s see what you create how you create then when you come from that place i just love this man i love his outlook it almost sounds like a fantasy to many of us the way he’s talking about interacting in a rehearsal room or a professional setting to be So content but it might be as simple as optimizing things like making sure you’re sleeping well eating well exercising regularly whatever you can do to make sure you are a content and happy human being it’s going to help you be a much more content happy.

And creative actor action staff it’s the recommendation of almost every self-help book or podcast or youtube video but meditation is fantastic for actors i highly recommend Getting in a daily routine it might be morning it might be night it might be both but start with 10 to 15 minutes every single day if you are struggling to get in the routine check out some apps like calm headspace or insight timer i’ve found them to be really really helpful finally just be curious directors want to work with actors that have opinions that have stories to tell.

Build Curiosity for acting

So get curious about life learn new things enrich your world in every way Possible all of that gorgeous life experience from the soaring highs to the crashing lows they’re going to help you become a better artist at the start of this blog i said i was going to share a secret with you that is going to massively help you become a better actor from home and this is it it doesn’t matter what you do from this list these have all been great suggestions and if you can integrate them into your work Fantastic the key is to make acting your priority i work with a lot of actors and the biggest thing i see happening is people are just not putting in the work they’re not putting in as much into the thing they say they’re doing into the thing they say they love as they do a casual hobby.

Question And Answers – FAQ’s

Are acting classes worth it?

Yes, Acting classes are worth taking, so its like a bone of the best acting you can perform on your self.
So, its highly recommended to enrol in an acting classes.
The best is Durga Films Production Acting classes in India.

Can acting make you rich?

Yes and No both! its all up on your acting skills, how well you can perform in the audience area.

How acting works?

Acting is all around the script and the performance of the actor.

What acting classes should i take?

Always take the one acting classes which fulfils all of your requirements. Durga Films Production is recommended. As DFP is tested and tried by many Actors.

Why acting is important?

Acting, is important as i allows you to live your life differently.


So if you want to become a great actor you could do one thing from this list or all eight things from this list it’s about the attitude towards becoming a great actor it’s about Putting in the work and making acting number one that is always the key you have to make acting your priority and if you can do that i promise you you’re going to be a better actor whether you are working exclusively from home or whatever you’re doing so that was it it’s super simple keep acting as your love as your passion.

I really hope you’ve loved this blog if you have give it a big old like it really helps the blog get out there and if you do like Content like this if you’re an actor definitely consider visiting Durga Films Production, until next time much love and i’ll talk to you again very soon.

About the author


Durga Films Production is a Film Production company based in India, Well known for Acting, Auditions, Webseries, Short Films and more. For More Please do contact us.

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